

Peet Adams
Communication-manager of the project Grensmaas.
Nader Akil
Operations Manager PNO Innovation
Patrícia Alves Dias
Scientific Research Officer, JRC-European Commission
Sami Andoura
Team Leader, European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC), European Commission
Hubert André-Dumont
Avocat in Brussels, Partner, McGuireWoods LLP
Deeba Ansari
Science and Technology Director, Imerys Kaolin
Kari Aslaksen Aasly
Head of the Natural Construction Materials team at the Geological Survey of Norway
Sampsa Auvinen
President, EOS
Gwendolyn Bailey
PhD candidate at KU Leuven University
Francesco Barbato
Policy Officer, Unit for Space Data for Societal Challenges and Growth, European Commission
Boris Barov
Consultant, N2K Group
Laura Barreto
PhD, Director, MERG
Zoltan Bartalis
Earth Observation Exploitation Engineer Science, Applications and Climate Department, European Space Agency
Eduardo Beltrán de Nanclares
Innovation Director, Mondragon Corporation
Diego Benedetti
Economic and Policy Advisor, European Organization of the Sawmill Industry (EOS)
Tom Bide
Resource Geologist, British Geological Survey
Dimitrios Biliouris
Raw Material Project Adviser, EASME, European Commission
Darina Blagoeva
Scientific / Technical Project Officer at DG JRC Directorate C – Energy, Transport and Climate of the European Commission.
Gian Andrea Blengini
Senior Researcher, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Stéphane Bourg
Project Manager
Sofia Bournou
Senior Adviser, BusinessEurope International Relations Department
Etienne Bouyer
European Affairs Officer
Sharon Brooks
UN Environment’s World Conservation Monitoring Centre
Peter Buchholz
Head of German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA) at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources(BGR)
Thomas Buenger
Member of the Executive Board of Aurubis AG
Annick Carpentier
Director-General of the Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE)
Dina Carrilho
Project coordinator of the ERA-NET Cofund ´ERA-MIN 2- the research & innovation programme on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials to foster the circular economy”
João Carvalho
Rodrigo Chanes Vicente
Policy Officer, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Unit, DG GROW, EC
Stephane Chevrel
Constantin Ciupagea
Head of Unit for Land Resources, DG JRC
Susanne Coles
Knowledge Transfer Manager – Projects and European Programmes
Vitor Correia
President of the European Federation of Geologists
Gwenole Cozigou
Director, Industrial Transformation and Advanced Value Chains, DG GROW, EC
Wesley Crock
EIT RawMaterials
Jacki Davis
Leading commentator and analyst on European Union affairs
Daniel De Oliveira
Head of the Mineral Resources and Geophysics Research Unit, LNEG & Chair of the Mineral Resources Expert Group, Eurogeogurveys
Giovanni De Santi
Director for Sustainable Resources, DG JRC
Catherine Delfaux
President, IMA-Europe
Nicholas Deliyanakis
Deputy Head of the Strategy unit for Industrial Technologies in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.
Thibaud Delourme
Team Leader for Copernicus user uptake, Space Data for Societal Challenges and Growth at the European Commission
Giles Dickson
Chief Executive Officer of WindEurope
Dinka Dinkova
Deputy Head of Unit for Space Data for Societal Challenges and Growth
Eibhlín Doyle
Exploration and Mining Division, Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment Ireland
Axel Eggert
Director General, EUROFER
Johan Elvnert
Managing Director, Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP)
Andreas Endl
Project Manager & Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Susana Escária
Director of the Foresight and Planning Department, Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition, Portugal
Guy Ethier
Senior Vice President, Umicore
Lowri Evans
Director General, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, DG GROW, EC
Lia Fain
Associate Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Péter Farkas
Geo-Sentinel Ltd
Dirk Fincke
Secretary General, UEPG
Elena Francioni
e-GEOS spa
Monica Frassoni
President of the European Alliance to Save Energy (EU-ASE)
Massimo Gasparon
Director Programmes, EIT RawMaterials
Frédéric Goettmann
President and CTO of Extracthive
Manuel Gomez Herrero
Policy Officer, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Unit, DG GROW, EC
Maria González-Moya
August Götzfried
Head of Unit, DG ESTAT, European Commission
Charlotte Griffiths
Deputy Director, Sustainable Energy Division, UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
Christian Hagelüken
Director of EU Government Affairs, Umicore
Kristen Haggart
Waugh Thistleton Architects
Peter Handley
Head of Unit, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, DG GROW, EC
Karen Hanghøj
CEO, Managing Director, EIT RawMaterials
Eslpeth Hathaway
Policy Advisor, IndustriAll Europe
Sigurd Heiberg
Project Director, PETRAD and member of the UNECE Expert group on Resource Management
Lucía Herreras Martínez
Technical Manager of the WEEE Forum
Matti Hietanen
CEO of Finnish Minerals Group
Gavin Hilson
Robert Holnsteiner
Director, Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, Mineral Resources Policy
Zoltán Horváth
Head of the Department in the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary, EGS representative in the UNECE EGRC Bureau
John Howhcin
Secretary-General, Council on Ethics, Swedish National Pension Funds
Jaco Huisman
Scientific officer on secondary raw materials, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Elsy Ibrahim
Researcher at University of Liège
Doru-Leonard Irimie
Research Policy Officer – Forests, Climate, Bioeconomy in Unit F3: Agri-Food Chain in DG Research & Innovation, European Commission
David Jensen
Head of Environmental Cooperation for Peacebuilding
Kristiina Jokelainen
Director, International relations and S3 implementation Regional Council of Lapland
Gerfried Jungmeier
Researcher at Joanneum Institute
Peter Koegler
Conservations International
Veronika Kopačková
Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group from EuroGeoSurveys
Jan Kosmol
Solvita Kostjukova
Co-founder and CEO of venture ALINA
Louise Kranenburg
Advisor Responsible Investment & Governance, MN Dutch Assets Management
Rocco Lagioia
Chief Operating Officer, ITRB Group
Marcel Lamain
General director GOC
Fanny-Pomme Langue
Secretary-General of CEPF
Ulla Lassi
Professor, University of Oulu, Finland
Carsten Laukamp
CSIRO Mineral Resources, Australia
Joanne Lebert
Executive Director, Impact
Pamela Lesser
Researcher, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
Andor Lips
Vice President Government Relations Europe of Eldorado Gold Corporation
Lieven Machiels
Research manager mining & metallurgy at SOLVOMET and SIM2 KU Leuven, S/T Coordinator NEMO
Simone Manfredi
Scientific and Technical Project Officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Louis Maréchal
Senior Policy Advisor, OECD
Anna Martin
Bioenergy Europe
Ana Maria Martinez
Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF, Norway
Harald Mauser
Liaison Officer, European Forest Institute
Marco Mensink
Director General, European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)
Arnoldas Milukas
Head of Unit, EASME
Michel Neumann
Vice President of the European Federation of Geologists
Viorel Nita
Scientific and technical project officer, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
Ligia Noronha
Director, Economy Division UN Environment
Malwina Nowakowska-Ketterle
Deputy Head of Unit, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, DG GROW, EC
Michael O’Briain
Deputy Head of Unit, Nature Protection, DG ENV, EC
Philipp Offenberg
Analyst at the European Political Strategy Centre (EPSC)
Anna Ostrega
AGH – University of Science and Technology, Kraków
Alice Pedretti
Senior Project Manager, CSR Europe
Tytti Peltonen
Vice President for Corporate Affairs
David Pennington
Raw Materials Project Leader, Land Resources Unit, DG JRC
Guillaume Pitron
Journalist expert in Critical Raw Materials
Yannis Pontikes
Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Engineering, KU Leuven, Belgium
Janez Potočnik
Chair of UN Resource Efficient Panel
Teresa Presas
Boyan Rashev
Denkstatt Bulgaria
Domenico Rossetti Di Valdalbero
Deputy Head of Unit, DG RTD, European Commission
Christophe Roux
Managing Director & Head of Metals & Mining Finance EMEA & CIS in Societe Generale
Sira Saccani
Director Sustainable Production Systems, Climate KIC
Marcin Sadowski
Head of the Raw Materials sector at the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EASME), European Commission
Sara Salehi
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Henrik Schiellerup
Head of the Mineral Resources Team at the Geological Survey of Norway
Martin Schlummer
Senior Scientist, Recycled Plastics Department, Fraunhofer IVV
Martin C. Schodlok
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
Doris Schueller
Bernd Schulte
Project Manager, Geological Information Services GAFAG
Aurela Shtiza
European Industrial Minerals Association
Slavko Solar
Secretary-General of EuroGeoSurveys
Fiona Solomon
Chief Executive Officer Aluminium Stewardship Initiative
Marianthi Stefouli
Research scientist: Earth Observation / GIS on Geo-scientific Applications, Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
Adéla Tesařová
Deputy Head of Unit, Resource Efficiency, Secretariat General, EC
Guenter Tiess
MinPol GmbH, Managing Director
Jan Tytgat
Director Government Affairs EU-Benelux, Umicore
Julieta Valls
Francois Verhoeven
Project-director of the Grensmaas
Beatriz Vidal Legaz
Scientific officer, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
Antje Wittenberg
GeoERA Raw Materials Consortium
Jeremy Wrathall
Cornish Lithium Ltd
Peter Zeil
Senior Expert, Spatial Services Ltd
Corinna Zierhold
Policy Advisor, IndustriAll