

Monday 12 November
Critical Raw Materials in our everyday life
Copernicus for Raw Materials

Tuesday 13 November
EIT RawMaterials – Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe
Responsible supply of raw materials
H2020 Raw Materials Info Day and Brokerage Event

Wednesday 14 November
6th Annual High-Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on raw materials –
“Raw materials for low carbon and circular economy” and “A decade of the Raw Materials Initiative”

Thursday 15 November
Drivers and Solutions for Integrating Information in the EU Raw Materials Knowledge Base – Serving Policy Makers and the Knowledge Triangle
Reconciling biodiversity objectives with extractive activities – good practices on mine and quarry planning, operation and restoration
Forest-Based Industries 2050
EU-Canada Raw Materials Stakeholders Forum – by invitation only

Friday 16 November
Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement Raw Materials Dialogue – by invitation only
UN Framework Classification for Sustainable Resources Management in Europe

Side Events
12 Nov @Covent Garden, European Commission – SPIRE projects on the utilisation of CO2 and CO
12 Nov (09:00-18:30) @ Marivaux Hotel – Raw Materials Industrial Workshop: “Raw Materials in the core of EU Industrial Value Chains”
15 Nov (15:00-17:00) @ Le Plaza Hotel – Sustainable & Critical: Natural rubber and its future
16 Nov (9:00-15:00) @EIT House, Brussels – Education project SusCritMat – Sustainable Management of Critical Raw Materials
16 Nov @Le Plaza Hotel – Standardization and Certification of new Construction products involving C&D; waste recycled materials
16 Nov @ Le Plaza Hotel – HISER final conference: Advances in Recycling and Recovery of Raw Materials from C&D; Waste
20 Nov (18:30) @European Parliament Salon – Building a New World. Made in Europe